
Entries from Puerto Peñasco

Links · · Puerto Peñasco

Light in The Western Sky

Light in the western sky as seen from Las Conchas neighborhood of Puerto Peñasco

The Navy fired an unarmed missile from a submarine off the coast of Southern California on Saturday, creating a bright light that streaked across the state and was visible as far away as Nevada and Arizona.

A Navy spokesman told The San Diego Union-Tribune ( ) the Navy Strategic Systems Programs conducted the missile test at sea Saturday from the USS Kentucky, a ballistic missile submarine.

Cmdr. Ryan Perry said the launches are conducted on a frequent basis to ensure the continued reliability of the system and that information about such test launches is classified prior to the launch.

The lack of information about the streak of light around sunset led to a flurry of calls to law enforcement agencies and lit up social media as people posted photos and video of the celestial sight.

Naval Missile Test Off California Creates Streaking Light (The New York Times)

Photos · · Puerto Peñasco

Black Box

Black box and colored lights

On the malecon, the lights of a techno banda dance around a black box.

Photos · · Puerto Peñasco


Scene around a Halloween face painting at a supermarket barbecue

Halloween face painting at a supermarket meat grill.

Photos · · Puerto Peñasco

Hookah Tent

Hookah tent seen through hotel room door peep hole

Hookah tent adjacent to Hotel Lluvia del Mar as seen from the peephole of a room facing it